Thursday, August 26, 2010

Andrés Gutiérrez de la Vega, andaluz, llegó a Cartagena desde Sevilla en 1740 y algo, por lo que tengo entendido. Según la clase de hoy -y ello ya lo sabía yo-, y las observaciones físicas que X. hiciera frente a la foto de mi abuelo (un poquito menos judío el señor, dijo ella), es posible que don Andrés fuera un judío converso...

Ahora, dudo que el señor Gutiérrez dejase de mezclarse, ya con americanos, ya con mestizos. Así que, según la clase de hoy, no tengo dieciseisavos de sangre española...

Además, al parecer, no existe en mi familia antigua un mecanismo de blanqueamiento. Es curioso: bastaría con que un tatarabuelo mío hubiese sido gobernante en algún nivel.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

... tender and sweet.

So, they where talking about strange food. Particulary about some kind of odd sausage made of rice and chicken blood, stuffed into a chicken neck, crowned with it's dead head.

She hated that.

But, he said that he used to eat it... suck the bird's eyes, break it's skull and drain that little brain. It even wasn't a matter of acquired taste: he really liked it.

Listen to how he enjoyed that akward dish made her sick. She asked him to stop.

Then he asked:

-well, hadn't you found some odd liking, something that to the general public seems bad, but that you really love and couldn't stop eating?

-hum- she answered - ... you know, i like you a lot. That will do.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

The warmth company

They were together, holding themselves to the warm complexion of their skins, one against the other, in the middle of a cold, freezing night. He said to her:

-I'm happy. I was reading last night about something a jazzist used to scream when he ended a wonderful performance. He used to say that someone should shoot him while he's happy.

Then, he asked her if she, knowing that he was that happy, would do him the favor of shoot his brains out.

-Yes, I would. She said.

- Well, but, what would you do with the huge mess, the blood, guts and bone splinters spilled all over the place?? He asked right away.

She answered:

-I shurely won't clean it up. It would be disgusting. I prefer to shoot myself right here, by your side.